Have you set your sight on starting a walking or running program this year but not sure where to start? Don’t worry, HMF has the information you need to get off the couch and across the finish line. Let HMF and our fitness partners help you reach your goals!

These icons will guide you to the sections that best fit your training goals:

I WANT TO START RUNNING – There are many reasons to start a running program, no matter what your age and fitness level. Many new runners are looking for weight loss and health benefits. You may be looking for well needed “me” time or a way to meet new friends. There may be a race that you’ve always wanted to enter. No matter what your reason for starting, it’s important that you follow some basic guidelines on the following pages. Look for this icon to help you avoid injury, keep running fun and help you reach your goals.

I WANT TO RUN FASTER – You’ve been consistent with your training, but now want to run a Personal Record (PR). To run faster, you have to train faster. This means moving out of your comfort zone by adding speed workouts, hill repeats and strength workouts a few times a week which will make you stronger and help prevent injuries as you increase your speed.

I WANT TO RUN FARTHER – Congratulations! You’ve been running on a regular basis, and now want to increase your weekly mileage and train for a longer distance race. This is a great time to look into hiring a coach, join a running group and use a training plan designed for a specific race. Increasing distance should be gradual to avoid injury. Carving out time to train is also important – longer runs demand a bigger time commitment, but will pay off as you train for your goal race.